Theater in NYC: Musical Drama ‘Renascence’ at the Abrons Arts Center
New musical drama about Edna St. Vincent Millay, author of the poem “Renascence”, gloriously staged by the Transport Group to the passionate music by Carmel Dean; at the Abrons Arts Center until November 17, 2018

An inspiring musical performed by talented actors makes an exciting and enlightening debut at a welcoming Off-Off-Broadway Theater at the Abrons Arts Center. The book by Dick Scanlan about Edna St. Vincent Millay and her family is set to the lyrical and touching music score by Carmel Dean. The lyrics by Edna Millay are at the core of the musical convoluting the storyline and elevating its tensions at the same time.
With poetry being at the center at Millay’s family life, sisters and mother included, it brings refreshing vibes for the modern audience. And while the century that separates us from Millay’s time seems to lessen the public’s interest in poetry, the problems facing young poetess and women back then stay unchanged. The play, through its impressive acting and innovating staging, delivers a powerful message about a poetic talent and a young woman path to fame. Enjoy the story, the poetry, and the music!