Music in NYC: French Impressions Program of Debussy and Chausson at Aspect Chamber Music Concert

Music in NYC: French Impressions Program of Debussy and Chausson at Aspect Chamber Music Concert

Aspect Chamber Music presents French Impressions concert with Calidore String Quartet, violinist Grace Park, and pianist Gilles Vonsattel on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7:30 pm at Bohemian National Hall 

Impression, Sunrise, Claude Monet, 1872; Pianist Gilles Vonsattel; Claude Debussy; Violinist Grace Park
Impression, Sunrise, Claude Monet, 1872; Pianist Gilles Vonsattel; Claude Debussy, atelier Nadar; Violinist Grace Park

The program explores the influence of French Impressionism and the interplay between visual art and music. Giving us the world full of tender emotions and breathtaking novelty of expression, the insurgent painters of the period such as Claude Monet and his circle of friends rebelled against the norms of the day in every form of artistic expression from art to writing to music. Unconventional in its methods and resulting artworks,  impressionism was a dirty word of that time.

When Debussy started incorporating in his scores unconventional scales and dissonant chords he was labeled by the critics as the proponent of “impressionism, the most dangerous enemy of artistic truth.” However, the composer himself adhered more to symbolism. Regardless of the classification, Debussy’s innovative scores immensely enriched the language of music and encouraged others like his friend E. Chausson to experiment with the sound and form.

The program features performances of Chausson’s Concerto for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op. 21 and Debussy’s Violin Sonata in G minor.


Chausson, Concerto for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op. 21

Debussy,  Violin Sonata in G minor


Illustrated talk by Samuel Adams

Get tickets at 33% off with code ARTSNY23 at checkout when attending the Aspect Chamber Music Series for the first time. 

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Treat yourself for an evening of exceptional music played by the amazing young musicians.


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