dell’Arte Opera Festival at La MaMa Theater: Works by Women

dell’Arte Opera Festival at La MaMa Theater: Works by Women

Whitney George and Bea Goodwin
Whitney George, Bea Goodwin, stage and music directors / Images are courtesy of dell’Arte Opera Festival

Join dell’Arte’s inspiring young singers this August 10-25 as we celebrate the contributions of great female composers in a thrilling exploration of Voices from the Tower

Our August mainstage productions are “La liberazione di Ruggiero” by Francesca Caccini (1625), playing opposite the World Premiere of dell’Arte’s first commissioned piece  “Princess Maleine” by Whitney George and Bea Goodwin.  All productions are offered with orchestra and English surtitles at the handicap-accessible La Mama Theatre on East 4th Street as part of their “Summer Shares” program.  You can also see “Scenes from the Tower” featuring excerpts by T. Musgrave and V. Bond and all of Viardot’s charming “Cendrillon”.




Voices from the Tower Program

La Liberazione di Ruggiero (Francesca Caccini, 1625)

August 10, 11m, 15, 17, 23, 25m

Princess Maleine (Whitney George, libretto by Bea Goodwin) World Premiere

August 16, 18m, 20, 22, 24

Scenes from the Tower

August 21, 24m

Cendrillon (Pauline Viardot, libretto by Pauline Viardot, 1904)

Mary, Queen of Scots (Thea Musgrave, libretto by Thea Musgrave, 1977)

Mrs. President (Victoria Bond, libretto by Hilary Bell, 2001)

Les Boulangers (Lili and Nadia Boulanger)

August 17m

Works (TBA) by sisters Lili and Nadia Bolanger performed as a recital by members of dell’Arte ensemble and cover artists, accompanied by dell’Arte musical staff.


Festival Dates: August 10-25, 2019

Festival Venue: La Mama Theatre on East 4th Street

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