Jazz in NYC: The Manhattan Transfer at Sony Hall
Legendary New York vocal group brings back all that jazz in wide variety of styles to Sony Hall on June 20, 2018

Summer nights in June are the best time to reminiscence about your favorite melodies and performers, so the concert by venerable The Manhattan Transfer group is exactly that kind of jazz. In other words, it is what you call ” a cherry on top” to any night out in New York City.
Well known to the public by numerous hits right from its first performances in the 70th and via a multitude of acclaimed albums released with the major record houses, the four singers had stayed true to their original vision for the musical genre. They toured extensively incorporating the sounds of the places they visited with more colors and vibrancy at each and every turn.
The group’s performance on June 20, 2018 in the heart of Manhattan theater district at Sony Hall, made to deliver the most sophisticated audio experience, will delight every jazz connoisseurs. Click here for tickets.

Formed by Tim Hauer as the four-part vocal group not confined to any particular music style, the group repertoire touches on every style from jazz, rock&roll to R&B to hip-hop. It has no limits and no fear in trying out new sounds and new melodies. Their openness is rewarded by the audience admiration, sold-out world tours and more than a dozen of Grammy awards.
The most celebrated album Vocalese received 12 Grammy nominations which made it the single most nominated album in one year and had ensured the band’s recognition as highly innovative and versatile vocal group. Other highly acclaimed Grammy awarded albums by the are Brasil, Christmas Album and many other.

From 2014 when the group lost its longtime leader Tim Hauser, it invited Trist Curless (bass) to join in. Besides Curless, the current lineup includes time-proven stars Janis Siegel (alto), Alan Paul (tenor), and Cheryl Bentyne (soprano). Their new album Junction released in March 2018 is dedicated to their dear friend Tim Hauser. The album is the first studio recording by the group in almost ten years. Staying true to its title name, it organically mixes traditional and new
genres. A review in JazzWeekly notes that its “patented harmonies are still intact” with the new additions of styles and rhythms.
The performance on June 20, 2018 will take place at Sony Hall. This premier music venue is renowned for presenting on top musicians across all genres. The venue is powered by state of the art Sony audio equipment and is set to create an enhanced entertainment experience for the fans.
Date and tickets: June 20, 2018 at 8 pm (doors open at 6 pm)
Venue: Sony Hall, 235 West 46th St, New York, NY 10036
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